Friday, February 4, 2011

Next auto-tune hit? Accuser's mom goes crazy on Mayweather

Floyd Mayweather has finally done it. He's been in a lot of hot water in 2010, but he's never crossed someone's mother. Now Quincey Williams has Mom on his side and she's lashing out at the star boxer.

Williams accused Mayweather of running him off a Las Vegas road on Monday. Las Vegas Metro Police are looking into the possibility of filing assault with a deadly weapon charges.

"That is a monster. A disaster," said Beatrice Turner. "He's a danger to his self and the public. He's trying to punk Quincey, but I want that punk to know, you ain't punkin' him cause he done called his mama in."

Turner wants Mayweather to spend time in jail for his latest run-in with the law. Williams claims that the boxer, driving a Bentley, tried to run him off the road at a Las Vegas intersection just west of the Las Vegas strip.  

"He's needs to put this monster where he belongs ... in his cage," Turner said. "We gonna give you three meals and a cot. Better take him away cause he's making me sick to the stomach."

Turner doesn't really believe jail will calm down Mayweather so she hopes his eventual destination is more permanent. 

"He gonna go in a monster and he gonna come out a monster," Turner said. "If he goes to the cemetary we don't have to be bothered with him no more. Just make sure the water bill bein' paid."

The line is deep with folks around Las Vegas who are angered and in some cases afraid of Mayweather. In January, he's facing multiple felony charges for an alleged domestic violence incident involving his three children and their mother. Last week, he got into hot water with a local security guard.

Good for Turner stepping up with what could be the news rant of 2010. Is she aware of Andre Dodson? She gave him a run for his money. Dodson, with the help of Auto-Tune News, has become a mega-star. We could have another Internet sensation with this Mayweather hating mama.

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